
moho breakdown side-of-the-road photo safari

moho photo safari
moho photo safari
moho photo safari
moho photo safari

i just found a roll of film that i shot last summer during a week-long road trip from Oregon to Ontario, Canada. we were broken down on the highway just as the sun was setting on the horizon (one of numerous sweltering breakdowns). i had just got back from trekking the opposite direction down the highway on a country-western motor home breakdown side-of-the-road photo safari where i took a bunch of these photos of a swarm of crazy sparrows with my Lensbaby:


when i was tired of the Lensbaby i went back to the motor home and grabbed my Mamiya 7 II to shoot a roll of B&W before we had to start driving again. i actually have no clue where exactly we were because i am horrible at remembering details like that, but i am going to guess somewhere in or around South Dakota since i'm wearing the same shirt as this self portrait from the Wall Drug bathroom (hah):

wall drug
wall drug

i wish i had shot more film on that trip, but i do have a lot of great digital photos that will bring back a lot of memories when i look at them in 35 years.

speaking of 35 year old vacation photos...i got a bunch of slides scanned for my mom from her backpacking trip through Europe in the 1970s. i really want to edit them a bit and post them (approval pending).